About us

About US


The background history of our company is beginning from Humanitarian Ngos, called wcdo which is Founded by Mr,Melaku Hailu has harnessed his passion for innovative renewable energy solution, From his strong humanitarian & business skills, support for community leaving in urban setting and rural area of the country, as learning organization that brings to renewable energy Solution for community energy for the last past 30 years with great success of solving the needy community of energy problem for selected community in Ethiopia,
The growing of innovative technology on biogas technology globally attracts working together and build common interest & trust between humanitarian organizations and companies has increased the need of promoting New technology and Transforming culture of working together and experience sharing on this new Idea helps us more on Popularity of sustained partnerships. More time working together helps identify and make the most of each partner’s unique capabilities. “Companies use the mentality of ‘practice makes perfect’ since most businesses are successful by doing what they excel at over and over again,”

“Bringing that level of reliability to our work with humanitarian organizations is what builds trust. It enables us to work together through different crises.”
As the leading force behind Mr, Melaku’s 35 years rich experience & impassions; inspires the company and its employees to succeed through positivity, hard work, integrate & developed by close working with potential biogas industry partners, BFGE renewables comes now on board to join all global biogas industry and family to promote and in Ethiopia and East a Africa innovative prefabricated biogas products& working on large scale agro-industry biogas factory plant,

FUTURE agro industry biogas factory plant and biogas distribution plan design


Feedstock reception silo 80 m3
2,000 m3 horizontal plug flow digester
5,500 m3 round post digester
Biogas flare
Technical rooms

Feedstock 75 tons/day
Methane yield 8,000 Nm3/day
Biogas yield 15,000 Nm3/day
Electricity production 12,300 MWh/year

One of our additional Future plan in 2023/2024 is to work on Hyacinth plant, from its curse to blessing by using innovative Bio-gas technology factory plant in some areas of selected Ethiopian lakes,



Our mission is to be the best in providing profitable solutions for waste management and production of biogas for our clients.


We build productive relationships with our clients as well as employees to share our experiences and work with unity and decisiveness.


Project Introduction, Brief history of the product, Properties, Specifications & Requirements, and Uses & Applications.


List of Raw Materials, Properties of Raw Materials, Availability of Raw Materials, Required quality of Raw Materials, Cost/Rates of Raw materials.


Our corporate vision is to see BFGE Renewables as a premiere and respected organization for designing and delivering quality biogas plant systems all over the world.


We highly believe in the concept of environmental sustainability for a better and flexible future.


List of Plant & Machineries, Miscellaneous items and Accessories, Instructions, Laboratory Equipment’s and Accessories, Plant Location, Electrification, Electric Load and Water, Maintenance, Suppliers/ Manufacturers of Plant and Machineries.


Present Market position, Expected Future Demand, Names and Addresses of Existing units,


We provide excellence and perfection in our duty towards our clients, and innovative solutions for management of waste.

Our long term

-To promote as the face of biogas industry
-To promote the use of organic products in daily lives
-To maximize the amount of biogas production from organic waste
-To create awareness on environmental sustainability
-To establish well known technologies, biogas research & Laboratory center in East Africa


• Requirement of Land Area, Rates of the land, built up Area, Construction Schedule, and Plant layout.
• Cost of Raw material


Requirement of staff & Labor, Personnel Management, skilled & unskilled labor.

Business insights

The business
The business

The business

To provide profitable, affordable, safe, sustainable and environmentally friendly biogas and solar solutions for urban and rural users in Horn of Africa

Product description
Product description

Product description

– Pre-fabricated biogas digesters to produce methane gas for cooking, electricity and manure
– Full solar systems to provide electricity

Our Customers
Our Customers

Our Customers

Resort, Hotels, Military camp, Agricultural farms . . . etc

Potential Partners
Potential Partners

Potential Partners

PUXIN, Home Biogas, & Biovomia

goal of BFGE Renewable

➢ Increasing employment and income and contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

➢ A newly developed biogas digesters provides the opportunity to produce biogas in one central, technically more advanced biogas plant rather than in many individual small- scale, low productive digesters.

➢ Developing a commercially viable domestic biogas sector, providing access to clean energy at household level through the implementation of bio-digesters while substituting the use of firewood

➢ Increasing agricultural production through the application of bio-slurry (the liquid effluent from the digesters)

➢ Improving living conditions by reducing the workload.